Privacy Policy

Last Updated: July 4, 2023

GiraffeTank (“we,” “us,” or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you visit our website and interact with our services.

Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: When you voluntarily provide it to us, we may collect personal information such as your name, email address, and any other information you provide when contacting us or subscribing to our newsletter.
  • Automatically Collected Information: We may collect certain information automatically when you visit our website, such as your IP address, browser type, device information, and browsing activity. This information is collected through cookies and similar tracking technologies.

Use of Information

We may use the collected information for the following purposes:

  • To provide and personalize our services to enhance your experience on our website.
  • To respond to inquiries, comments, or questions you submit to us.
  • To send periodic newsletters, updates, or promotional content if you have subscribed to our mailing list.
  • To analyze and improve the functionality and performance of our website.
  • To prevent fraud, enforce legal obligations, and protect the rights and safety of our users and GiraffeTank.

Disclosure of Information

We may share your information in the following circumstances:

  • With trusted third-party service providers who assist us in operating our website and delivering our services, subject to their own privacy policies.
  • In response to a legal request, such as a court order or governmental inquiry, or when we believe disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, comply with applicable laws, or prevent illegal activities.
  • With your consent or as otherwise disclosed at the time of data collection.

Data Security

We take appropriate measures to protect the security of your personal information. However, please note that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information.

External Links

Our website may contain links to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

Your Rights

You have the right to access, update, and request the deletion of your personal information. If you would like to exercise any of these rights or have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please contact us using the information provided below.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal obligations. We encourage you to review this page periodically for any updates. Your continued use of our website after any changes indicates your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.